Stormlight #3: Oathbringer
About the book
Book author: Brandon Sanderson
The third book in Stormlight Archives.
Reflection and takeaways
It was good. This one was a huge one; 1280 pages or so. The pace was a bit slow at times, but I like that. All the characters are quite distinct. So it’s interesting to be in their heads.
These aren’t really the type of books where you reflect and have takeaways. It’s fantasy. But I’ll still write down my favourite passings and paragraphs.
My personal mancrush is of course still Dalinar Kholin.
“I will take responsibility for what I have done,” Dalinar whispered. “If I must fall, I will rise each time a better man.”
True sage!
I also like this:
“All things have a soul. A vase, a wall, a chair. And when a vase is broken, it might die in the physical realm, but for a time it’s soul remembers what it was. So all things die twice. It’s final death is when men forget it was a vase, and think only of the pieces.”
I don’t know if this is true, but it’s true that the final time you die is when everyone has forgotten you.
“You’re not a monster, Shallan,” Wit whispered. “Oh, child. The world is monstrous at times, and there are those who would have you believe that you are terrible by association.”
“I am.”
“No. For you see, it flows the other direction. You are not worse for your association with the world, but it is better for its association with you”.
This is a magnificent saying. I wish everyone to understand this. Everyone has the power to be a positive impact. The world deserves the best you.
On the spiritual theme, there’s this:
“All things exist in three realms, Dalinar,” Nohadon said. “The Physical: what you are now. The Cognitive: what you see yourself as being. The Spiritual: the perfect you, the person beyond pain, and error, and uncertainty.”
It’s cheesy, but it resonated with me for som reason.
Why did I pick it
I’m comitted to reading the Stormlight Archive books.
4.5 /5.